Research Interests
My research interests revolve around theoretical and practical aspects of decision-making problems in uncertain and dynamic environments, with applications in control and security of large scale and distributed engineering systems. In my research, I use tools from Control Theory, Optimization, Machine Learning, and Information Theory.
Recent Highlights
December 2024: New paper on fault isolation in high-end industrial printers with experimental results
>> Fault Isolation for the Ink Deposition Process in
High-End Industrial Printers
December 2024: New paper to appear in NeurIPS 2024
>> Scalable Kernel Inverse Optimization, [Code]
December 2024: Invited lecture at PhD Winter School on Advanced Stochastic Optimization at NTNU, Norway
November 2024: Updated paper to appear in Transactions on Automatic Control
>> Distributionally Robust Model Predictive Control: Closed-loop Guarantees and Scalable Algorithms, [Code]
November 2024: Invited seminar at Workshop on Insurance and Financial Mathematics, Leibnizhaus Hannover, Germany
September 2024: New paper on real-time experiments of robust fault estimation in self-driving cars
>> Robust Fault Estimation with Structured Uncertainty: Algorithms and Experimental Validation
>> Experiment Video
September 2024: Updated paper to appear in Mathematical Programming
>> Nonlinear Distributionally Robust Optimization, [Code]
August 2024: Updated paper to appear in Operations Research
>> Learning in Inverse Optimization: Incenter Cost, Augmented Suboptimality Loss, and Algorithms, [Code]
August 2024: New paper on a variant of Q-learning with optimal sample complexity
>> Variance-Reduced Cascade Q-learning: Algorithms and Sample Complexity, [arXiv]
May 2024: New paper on a new adaptive stepsize for first-order convex optimization
>> Adaptive Accelerated Composite Minimization, [Code]
May 2024: Invited seminar at Risk Measures and Uncertainty in Insurance, Leibnizhaus Hannover, Germany
May 2024: New paper on a new convex loss for offline RL via inverse optimization
>> Offline Reinforcement Learning via Inverse Optimization, [Code]
April 2024: Invited seminar at ETH AI Center, Zurich, Switzerland