Vahab Rostampour
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About me
I am a Ph.D. student in the Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) advised by Prof. Tamás Keviczky, since 1st September 2014.
My general research interests are centered around optimal control, stochastic control and distributed control of complex networked systems with applications to energy systems and coordination in multi-agent systems. In particular, my current research focuses on various centralized and decentralized problems with and without communication between agents. In addition to this I am interested in finding tractable ways of solving these problems.
Prior to coming to TU Delft, I carried out my MSc thesis at Automatic Control Laboratory (ETH Zurich) on developing a tractable reserve scheduling formulations for power systems with uncertain generation under supervision of Professor John Lygeros and Professor Maria Prandini.
My profile on Google Scholar and my Curriculum Vitae.
Recent Highlights
August 31, 2018:
I am very hapy to announce that my paper titled Differentially-Private Distributed Fault Diagnosis for Large-Scale Nonlinear Uncertain Systems has been award an Honorable Mention as one of the finalist papers for the Paul M. Frank Award presented at IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2018. The Paul M. Frank Award is given to honor the best theoretical paper presented. This is a great news at the last day of my PhD research work in Delft Center of Systems and Contol (DCSC) at Delft University of Technology (TUD). Here is our award certificate.
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