Knowledge-Based Control Systems (SC4081)
Dr. Alfredo Núñez Vicencio, Section of Road and Railway Engineering, Stevinweg 1, S2-2.31, tel: 015-27 89355.
Dr. Ing. Jens Kober, Mekelweg 2, block 8C, 2nd floor, room C-2-270, tel: 015-27 85150.
Prof. dr. ir. J. Hellendoorn, DCSC, Mekelweg 2, block 8C, 1st floor, room C-1-230, tel: 015-27 89007.
Vahab Rostampour, MSc., DCSC, Mekelweg 2, block 8C, 3rd floor, room C-3-250, tel: 015-27 85056.
ir. Sachin Navalkar, DCSC, Mekelweg 2, block 8C, 2nd floor, room C-2-260, tel: 015-27 83519.
General Information Academic Year 2015/2016
The lectures will be broadcasted via teleconference to TU/e and UTwente:
via Collegerama Link.
You can see the live lectures with 30 seconds delay and also the recorded lectures.
March 24, 2016:
Dear students,
Just the last and very important remark is about the final documents that each group has to submit by sending an email to me (v dot rostampour at tudelft dot nl). Please be careful and well consider the following important notes about your email:
Send email just to me (v dot rostampour at tudelft dot nl) and cc to your group members
The title for subject of the email has to be: Group ID final literature assignment SC4081
Please send ONLY and ONLY the PDF version of the required documents as attached files (DO NOT make ZIP file or etc.)
The required documents for the final submission is as follows:
ID-paper.pdf (this is the final version of your group report on your group ID subject)
ID-presentation.pdf (this is the final version of your group presentation on your group ID subject)
ID-R1-paper.pdf (this is the first review form of your group on your colleague's activity (other group members) who worked on the report)
ID-R2-paper.pdf (this is the second review form of your group on your colleague's activity (other group members) who worked on the report)
ID-R1-presentation.pdf (this is the first review form of your group on your colleague's activity (other group members) who worked on the presentation)
ID-R2-presentation.pdf (this is the second review form of your group on your colleague's activity (other group members) who worked on the presentation)
These are the most important remarks for each group in order to complete the literature assignment of the knowledge based control course (SC4081).
Good luck in everything! and see you for the colloquium in the next week,
March 24, 2016:
Dear students,
I hope every group has done their great job and hear back from their corresponding peer review group.
Now is the time for groups to start to update and revise their paper/presentation with respect to feedbacks/comments they received from their peer review group.
In case if they do not have any comments or they did not provide any comments, you do not need to change anything and just finalize the current version of report and practice for the oral presentation.
See you for the colloquium in the next week,
March 22, 2016:
Dear students,
Since there were some problems in the peer review process within groups, here you could find some important notes.
The peer review process within groups are completely local and each group should send its works (paper&presentation) to the assigned group in order to hearing some comments from them and then, to improve their works before final submission. Therefore, you do not need to follow all the questions and what the important is to just give general feedback to the other group and to evaluate what they send you for their purpose nothing else.
The self evaluation forms are only intended to your group, so you need to try the presentation once and give feedback to your group members that are presenting. Therefore, as it is also asked in the literature assignments each group needs to submit via email to Vahab Rostampour the following documents:
Good luck in everything! See you for the colloquium in a couple of weeks,
March 16, 2016:
Dear students,
Unfortunately half of the lecture 6 was not correctly recorded. The content of that lecture can be also seen from the previous year recordings: Lecture 5 (2012) and Lecture 6 (2012). Links were included in Materials.
A draft version of the answer to the questions in the lecture notes was uploaded. Please, send me your feedback whenever you find something that is not clear
Finally, today is the deadline to send for peer review your presentation and your slides. Don't forget to find your reviewers at the end of the website If you have problems finding the emails of your reviewers, please don't hesitate to write me.
Good luck in everything! See you for the colloquium in a couple of weeks,